Want to turn long, dark evenings in to tail wagging fun memories

Our online trick class is the perfect way to keep you and your dog active, entertained, and engaged this winter
Stay motivated and add fun to your routine during the colder months, all from the warmth and comfort of your home!
  • Teach your dog exciting new tricks while building trust and teamwork.
  • Keep your dog sharp and happy with exercises to challenge their mind and body.
  • Don’t let winter drag you down—make it a season of laughter and learning with your best friend!

Six Fab Tricks for February

Last Sunday we held our Six Fab Tricks for February class at Logie Durno Hall near to Inverurie. As with our previous Special tricks classes, we demonstrated the required steps to build towards the final tricks and then individually helped each of the students to work through the steps with their dog.

I really enjoy these trick classes as its possible to see dogs and their owners quickly develop their trick skills in a short period of time in a fun and amusing way.

Everyone was able to leave the course having learnt some new tricks, but just as importantly some new training skills to allow them to develop and progress new tricks of their own.

Six Fab Tricks for February

Hot on the heals of the Six Tricks for Christmas Class we ran in December, we are enlisting the help of Trick Training Guru Emily Anderson and her famous Trick Spaniel Leo for another two hours of fun.

The workshop is perfect for beginners and advanced dog/handler pairs as we will adapt the trick to your level

Head on over to our Trick Training Hub to book your place, but you will need to be quick!

Six Tricks for Christmas

I think I can confidently say that everybody had fun last Sunday during the Six Tricks for Christmas special class! And to all the participants, I hope you will be able to impress your friends with your new tricks.
If you feel you have missed out, keep an eye on Canine Pawsibilities page or message me for our next special trick class!
In addition, you can start your trick journey today by joining our online Tricks for Treats school

Louie gets placed in his first ever Worldwide Trick competition

A big congratulations to Stacey & Louie for achieving a 5th place in the first ever attempt at a novice level competition organised by the Dog Talent Association!
A graduate of the Canine Pawsibilities Puppy School – Live,  Junior School – Live, Scent Class – Live and the Online Tricks For Treats – Beginner’s School We just love seeing you progressing. This is such a proud trainer moment too, we love to be part of your progression on this journey!