Happy New Year

Thank you for your incredible support throughout 2024.

Wishing you a joyful, successful, and prosperous 2025!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Whether you’ve visited us for training, physiotherapy, or just some friendly advice, we want to thank you for being part of our journey this year. Your support has made 2024 a truly memorable one for us.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and a New Year full of success and happiness. We can’t wait to see what 2025 brings!

Puppy and Junior School

Your Guide to Recovery: Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)




eBook for Pet Owners: Your Guide to Recovery: Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)

Are you worried about your dog’s IVDD diagnosis or want to be better prepared?

This eBook is made just for you!

What’s Inside:
• Simple explanations of what IVDD is and how it affects dogs
• Common signs to watch for and how to respond
• Information on treatment options and recovery
• Practical tips to help you support your pup’s spinal health
Written specifically for pet parents, this guide breaks down the complexities of IVDD into easy-to-understand information. Empower yourself with the knowledge to make the best decisions for your beloved dog!
Get your copy now and take control of your dog’s health journey!
Because they’re family, and they deserve the best care.


Use tracking to keep senior dogs Mentally and Physically Active

Promoting Gut Health in Dogs

“Gut health concerns the whole digestive tract, which starts in the mouth and ends with, surprisingly, the rear end, or more biologically accurate, the rectum and anus.”

As responsible dog owners, we are always looking at ways to keep our furry friends healthy and provide them with the nutrition that they require. This very interesting article written by Lisa Hannaby-Aird and shared by onlinepethealth is well worth a read as it provides a wealth on information about our dog’s digestive system


Dakota’s Physiotherapy Session

It’s not often that I get a message from one of my Canine Clients, so Imagine my surprise when I got the following massage from Dakota!


“I FINALLY got my physio appointment today! Do you know when I last had physio? NOVEMBER! That’s ages! So I had some manual therapy to check all is well and there were no problems, Agnes at Canine Pawsibilities had NOTHING at all to write in my notes. Unfortunately this means my appointments are going to be more spread out now, I’ll be on rotation with Coinneach and Zena so we will be taking it in turns to go along with Moss who gets to go every 6 weeks 😭 I’m going to go break myself so I can see Agnes more often…BRB!”

Join in the Fun

With all of our classes, Puppy, Junior, Scent Work, Hoopers or Agility, the emphasis is on learning whilst having fun with your dog. We want you to be able to come away from each session with a positive (or should that be Pawsitive) feeling of achievement and a happy dog.

During our last Junior and Puppy School we were fortunate to have Aaron Clark come along to one of the training sessions with his Camera to capture some of the fun.

onlinepethealth Mentorship program.

Another year of learning, another year of sharing, another year of building a little more confidence
It was very scary to get out of my comfort zone and start mentoring, but it is so worth it!
I would like to thank all the mentors who are participating to the program, both for the time you are generously giving to others and for your friendship and support, you are such a welcoming community! We are over 20 mentors mentoring all over the world! I am looking forward to 2023!
And of course a very special Thank you to onlinepethealth for launching and supporting this worldwide mentorship program.

Six Tricks for Christmas

I think I can confidently say that everybody had fun last Sunday during the Six Tricks for Christmas special class! And to all the participants, I hope you will be able to impress your friends with your new tricks.
If you feel you have missed out, keep an eye on Canine Pawsibilities page or message me for our next special trick class!
In addition, you can start your trick journey today by joining our online Tricks for Treats school